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Hybrid Hypnotherapy Home Study
Talk to Your Instructor

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Course Content:

Online and video learning, group sessions and one-to-one training

The Grey Matter Network Home Study Course for Professional Training in Hypnotism and Hypnotherapy is based on a ten “day” program, reflecting the training done by students in a classroom setting.

You will have “classroom” sessions with your classmates from around the world on one of our private teaching portals, so you can get the feedback and the interaction you need as you progress through your learning journey.

After each “day” of training we'll meet in a group setting every two weeks, with your classmates/cohort and your instructor to follow up on your experience with the videos, have questions answered that may arise during the training, and have an opportunity to run through practice experiences that you’ll be participating in to hone your practical skills as well as your foundation and theoretical understanding. At key times during the course, and when you need extra support, you can schedule one-to-one sessions with Jennifer to really get to the bottom of your questions and experiences.

“The Skype(now Zoom sessions were surprisingly fruitful, because she had the time and luxury to focus on my learning needs.” Erin Lee, graduate

We want you to succeed, so the course is designed in a way that helps you understand what you need to do in this work, covers the information, subjects and areas of therapy that give you the depth and breadth of knowledge that will be immediately applicable and valuable in a practical setting. We help you learn what you need to do this work, and do it well. Our graduates are a testament to this.

 Make an appointment to chat with your instructor to see how hypnosis training can support your life for good!

Important Components in Your Home Study Course


Videos will provide you with the foundation and fundamentals for both theory and practice in hypnotism. These sessions will be accessible through your learning platform so you can stream them whenever is convenient for you. All sections of the days are split into 1-2 hour segments, but you can watch for as short or long a time as your schedule allows! Jennifer and Mitch will be your lecturers in class, and we will provide opportunities for learning self-hypnosis and witnessing live demos as well.


Hypnosis is a heavily audible method for change. And you’ll have support audios for several of the self-care portions of the class (we need to support ourselves so we can support others!). You will also be given a number of examples of recordings you can copy or follow to share with others – as some of the work we may do with others is pre-recording scripts and suggestions for their independent listening. These will be available on the learning platform throughout the course.


We will provide you with a LOT of information on this course. The National Guild of Hypnotists Manuals will be a backbone for this training. You will also receive handouts that accompany your daily videos, which will be available on your learning platform. To increase your comfort starting out, you’ll have a wide array of scripts that you can reference and use as a basis for your hypnosis work. We also encourage you to read and research widely – and provide practical suggestions for building your library and learning.


There are a number of opportunities to practice the skills you are learning. Often when people learn you are training in hypnosis, you’ll have a line of people wanting to be your ‘guinea pigs’. The more you work with people within the limits of your educational training, the more confident you’ll feel. We also give suggestions for practicing solo or connecting with other students online to experience a hypnosis exchange where you can practice with someone in your class who’s learning as well.


The class is a dynamic learning experience. This means that you are not left alone as you take your first tentative steps into the hypnosis world. Whether it is through our online sessions, comments on assessments or assignments, or during our group and community discussions, we welcome questions and give actionable and practice-tested suggestions along the way

Future Opportunities

While completion of the course will give you the fundamentals to feel confident with your hypnosis skills, we believe in lifelong learning to keep your skills sharp and the needs of others served. As a part of the Grey Matter “NETWORK” you’ll be in the loop for live and recorded specialty courses and enjoy discounted rates on mentoring and special sessions. Hopefully some day we will meet in person for a training or mentoring, but until then you have lots of opportunities to learn!

Contact Your Instructor to See if Hypnosis Training is Right for You!

A brief Look at Your Training "Days"

Day 1:

This is where the magic starts! While the first day of class is predominantly theoretical, it is important in laying a firm foundation on which to learn about the parts of the mind and how hypnosis works. You’ll be introduced to definitions of hypnosis, hypnotizability, and will begin to learn how hypnosis works in our daily life so that future clients can understand that hypnosis is safe and natural. Besides these rules of the mind, you’ll look into the questions and myths clients bring to a session, helping them to relate this approach to them more personally and meaningfully. This is big, important stuff! In addition you’ll learn how to:

  • Help our clients understand more about their imagination, ways of relaxing, the impact of the past on their patters, the truth about the hypnotic experience, the power of their attitude and the importance of following mental laws

  • Begin to learn the vocabulary of hypnosis and how we can create a new lexicon for ourselves and our clients

  • Clear myths, understand more about hypnosis and the brain, meditation, and stage shows

  • Suggestibility Tests including chevreul’s pendulum, hands rising and falling, progressive relaxation, hand clasp, postural sway, mind/body experiments, magnetic fingers and hands etc… and get your first taste of trance!

  • Day 2:

    After a day of getting to understand the theory of hypnosis, now you get to start practicing! You’ll learn how to hypnotize – beginning with inductions (ways of helping people into hypnosis) like Dr. Flowers, and Elman… and emerging them as well. You’ll learn the power of deepening for clients to accept suggestions and learn about the construction and management of suggestions and metaphors, two very important concepts in the work we do. You’ll also begin to create your own personal change for good – today you’ll start to support yourself with step one of self-hypnosis (something you’ll be working on throughout the course). You’ll also get the inside track on:

  • The History of Hypnotism, with it’s amazing forerunners and their work for change

  • The relationship between Hypnotism and Counseling, and the subconscious mind’s special theoretical orientation.

  • The Qualification of Clients and Influences of Hypnosis.

  • Day 3:

    Now that you’ve learned to help people in and out of hypnosis (including yourself), it’s time to focus on the change agents of the work – suggestions. You’ll learn to handle some of the most popular and needed areas for change with clients through hypnosis – stop smoking, weight loss/release, stress management, ego strengthening, performance and more. We’ll highlight powerful ways to enhance direct suggestion success as well as how to set up your first session, so you’re ready to start. You’ll also be working on other subjects that are important to hypnotic success:

  • Ethics and Our Professional Code

  • Cautions of Hypnosis

  • Feelings and Emotions and their Value.

  • Remember, you’ll be practicing what you learn right away – with friends or family, ‘invisible’ clients (pretend clients) – so that you can apply all the valuable lessons of the day.

    Day 4:

    In Day 4 you’ll be sharpening your skills to be even more effective! You’ll be learning shorter, rapid and instant inductions, to shorten the time required for the process of hypnosis so we can get to the work even faster. We’ll focus on depth even more with a highlight of the scales and their meaning in our profession. You’ll also go to the next level with your self-hypnosis training. Other important areas that are necessary for successfully seeing clients:

  • Forms and Administration: Client History, Records and Client Session Information

  • The Art and Science of gathering Background Information

  • Session Structure and the First Appointment Checklist

  • Working with Others – medical referrals and referring to others.

  • Day 5:

    You’ll now enter in to the basics of age regression – our client’s access to clearing beliefs and incorrect perceptions from the past. There are many methods to learn and you’ll be exploring several – hall regression, specific point regression, affect bridge regression etc. with an opportunity for practice. Should you choose, there’s also a discussion on Past Life Regression and its place in our work. We’ll also cover a wide variety of important topics today:

  • Hypnotic Phenomenon such as Hyperamnesia, Hyperanaethesia, Hyperemperia

  • Anesthesia Management

  • Morals and Ethics

  • Exploration of Mind/Body Work

  • Mechanical Aids for Hypnosis

  • Day 6:

    Day 6 introduces you to the wonderful world of forgiveness – the myths and rules, and the important work we can do in hypnosis to help people let go of pain and anger they may be holding on to. Based on similar Gestalt therapies, we will explore how to help others with unresolved past grief, and ways to gain insight. There is an opportunity to practice these therapeutic approaches during the practice session – as you’ll know by now “perfect practice makes perfect”. We’ll also be covering:

  • Ideo-motor Responses and Techniques

  • Counseling Hypnotism

  • Counseling Skills for the Hypnotist

  • Day 7:

    You’ll be introduced to and practice two additional root/causal approaches for helping clients – self-forgiveness and parts mediation therapy (known as ego state therapy in counseling). By this time you’ll have been exposed to, and will feel more comfortable with the range of methods we use in this business. You’ll learn how to choose which of the therapies may be most impactful for your client and continue to develop client-centered approaches and therapeutic skills for hypnotic support, which is key in not only getting positive results, but also building your practice on a solid foundation. You’ll continue to develop your own self-hypnosis skills even further so you can clear your own path for success. We’ll also cover:

  • “Universal” scripts and metaphors

  • Transpersonal psychology and hypnosis

  • Process in therapy

  • Practice, practice and more practice…

  • Day 8:

    Day 8 covers a broad range of topics including working with children and helping your transform parents to “Hypno-Parents”, based on the models that work from Jennifer Norris-Nielsen’s HypnoParenting Guide Book. From birth to leaving the nest, hypnosis can help kids and families function better. Learning techniques of Waking Hypnosis and some of the Ericksonian language patterns helps you bring your hypnotic powers into everyday conversations. Other skills you’ll be learning include:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Systematic desensitization

  • Colour imagery

  • Faith and Hypnosis discussion

  • Day 9:

    For much of this day we’ll be focusing on the business of hypnosis – because we believe that you can ‘do well, and do good’ in hypnosis. We’ll cover tips for your practice, marketing techniques including “media mesmerism”, advertising, websites, hotlines, and testimonials. You’ll find out more about how to talk to groups and create classes, how to introduce hypnosis in your networking circles (or how to start). In addition to speaking, you’ll get information on how to write more hypnotically and the importance of developing a written presence and connection with your clients and future clients. Today you’ll hear from both your instructors – with their dynamic differences of approaches, giving you an opportunity to understand more about how many ways there are to succeed in this business. We’ll continue to consolidate your practical know-how and add it to your developing business savvy, to make a winning combination.

    Day 10:

    This is Graduation Day! But before you finish the course, you’ll review highlights of the full course, with the insight and information that you’ve collected over the previous nine days. You’ll have resource lists so that you can continue your learning journey once you head out in the hypnosis world. We’ll send you off with advice from other graduates so you know, from personal experience, what you’re looking forward to. You’ll find out more about entering into the world of hypnosis – looking at opportunities available to you and ways to connect. As a graduate of Grey Matter Network’s Professional Course, you’ll also benefit from our Diamond Sessions, network and mentoring opportunities, and find out more about advanced and specialty courses with us and with others in the business. Congratulations, you’ve done it – now you get to bring this power and potential to others.


    Even after you’re finished the course, you are not alone. Our Diamond Sessions are online meetings amongst GMN professional graduates, aimed at helping you hone your skills to gem-like perfection. They include specific areas of therapy, business support and relevant issues of the day. You’ll benefit from the experience and practice of other graduates who have come before you and learn up to the minute techniques.

    Should you wish to participate, your instructors also offer one-to-one mentoring, group “mastermind” series, and access to the Hyp Network to enhance your business’ exposure. We also offer specialty and advanced courses for continued learning, so you can target the individuals you’re interested and can support best – more easily because you’ve got the training you need.

    This is just the start of a beautiful relationship with us, with hypnosis, and with a lifelong skill that can help you, the ones you love, and the community at large. Enjoy

    Sunday, December 1, 2024

    Price goes from Early Bird Special - only $2875 (with extra bonuses) to $3695! Over 20% off!!

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    What Makes Our Training Different

  • You have the flexibility to work at your own pace, wherever you are…Yet have the individual attention of a supportive cohort and a live instructor to focus on your special needs

  • As part of the package you’re given huge amounts of information, in video, audio, notes, books and manuals

  • This is what we love to do – and it shows!

  • We support you after the course is completed so you increase your competence and confidence.

  • Some more praises for our training...

    There are no words to say how thankful I am and how wonderful you are as teacher, a mentor. Your profession and the passion to spread this knowledge and experience to as many people as possible reflected from your being, every single day, and how awesome that is.

    Jefferson U, Indonesia

    Not only do you get the course materials but also Jennifer’s in house handouts with the benefit of her years of applying hypnotherapy in the real world of people’s day to day experiences. This really enables you to relax and “experience” the training secure in the knowledge that all of the “learning” is captured in her extensive material.

    Philip M, Singapore

    I really enjoyed this course. Thank you!

    SweeLing, China

    You’re a real teacher, a real giver. Even though sometimes I feel a bit overloaded, I know that someday it will all be useful!

    Narindr V., Thailand

    “When I first signed up for the home study certification course, I had some nagging questions in my head – Without face-to-face teaching and learning, will the course be as effective? Without having a group of classmates to practice and interact with, will I be able to apply the knowledge and techniques well enough? Although Jennifer had already clarified some doubts of mine before the course started, I still felt a little apprehensive about studying hypnotherapy “from a distance”. But these doubts quickly disappeared as soon as I began “Day 1” of the course. The amount of information and depth of materials given were very comprehensive and far exceeded my expectations.” Erin L., Singapore

    Schedule a Zoom meet-up with your instructor to see how hypnosis skills will fit into your life!

    $499 (x6)

    Early Bird

    (Payment Plan)

    Extend payment in 6 monthly installments (before Dec 1st):

  • All the Early Bird Benefits

  • 6monthly payments

  • Early Bird Payment Plan


    Early Bird Special

    Before December 1st, get a discounted certification class PLUS bonuses!

  • Video Training

  • Group Masterclasses

  • 1-to-1 Keystone Sessions

  • 1 year Grad Support & 1 year NGH Membership 

  • Bonus Materials BEFORE training

  • Early Bird Special


    Certification Course

    Regular Price after Dec 1st. Payment Plan Available...

    • Video Training

    • Group Masterclasses

    • 1-to-1 Keystone Sessions

    • 1 year NGH Membership

    • 1 year Grad Support

    Buy This Plan

    Already Certified? We can help you advance your knowledge!

    Are you already certified in Hypnosis or just looking to the future once you are? Many hypnotists benefit from a revision after some time away from the work, and our class moves into advanced techniques so you can up your skills and confidence with us. Ask us about our special rate for certified consulting hypnotists/hypnotherapists - we'd love to support you in supporting others! We also have specialty courses that can help you hone your skills and increase your success in areas like how to enhance your practice, foundations to excellence, stop smoking, sports hypnosis, rapid inductions, regression, forgiveness work, parts (ego-state) therapy…

    1820 Preston Park Blvd,Ste 2200,

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    Phone: 737-222-9805

    Email: [email protected]

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